How Tengah Is Contributing To Singapore's Green Initiatives

Singapore is constantly making strides towards becoming a model of sustainability. Recently, Singapore has been gaining attention worldwide for its new up-and-coming neighbourhood - Tengah, situated in the West, near Bukit Batok and Jurong East, which has been rumoured to be the next CBD area.

Tengah, often referred to as the "Forest Town," is more than just a residential area – it's a living testament to Singapore's dedication to creating a harmonious coexistence between urban development and the natural world. In this article, we’ll explain how Tengah is playing a pivotal role in promoting green initiatives and setting a new standard for eco-friendly urban planning.

1. Sustainable housing solutions 

All of the buildings in Tengah are purposefully designed in a way that adheres to strict environmental standards. Energy-efficiency and eco-friendly design are two of the main criteria, which you can see from the buildings’ materials and the energy-efficient features used throughout the town. You’ll find that this is a common trend among integrated developments now.

These features include solar-panelled rooftops and rainwater harvesting systems to lower the town’s overall carbon footprint. The buildings are also installed with green roofs and green walls, which not only help to harness natural sunlight and maximise ventilation but also reduce heat and humidity, making the neighbourhood cool and comfortable at all times.

2. Innovative water management 

As mentioned above, Tengah features innovative rainwater harvesting systems as part of its sustainability efforts. This is to address water scarcity, which remains a global concern. These extensive systems harness and repurpose rainwater for various non-potable uses, such as irrigation and toilet flushing. As such, there will be lesser demand for traditional water sources, and Tengah can be self-sustaining in terms of water usage.

3. Car-lite living and connectivity 

One of the most remarkable aspects of Tengah’s green initiatives is its focus on promoting car-lite living. In order to reduce the reliance on vehicles, the town is designed with an efficient public transport network and ample walking and cycling paths. These features encourage residents to opt for more sustainable modes of transportation. In addition, numerous electric charging stations will be placed throughout the town, providing convenience to residents with electric cars. 

With fewer private vehicles on the road, air pollution and traffic congestion can be significantly reduced, contributing to a healthier lifestyle for residents. 

4. Community gardens

Tengah's commitment to sustainability extends to the community level through its emphasis on urban farming. The Plantation Farmways initiative allows residents to cultivate their own produce, fostering a sense of self-sufficiency and reducing the carbon footprint associated with imported foods. These shared green spaces not only promote a sense of community but also contribute to a more sustainable local food ecosystem.

5. Lush greenery

Unlike traditional urban developments, Tengah's design revolves around the idea of a "forest town," integrating lush greenery and natural landscapes into the very fabric of the neighbourhood. The Forest Corridor, a 5-kilometre stretch of preserved green space, connects residents with nature while providing a sanctuary for local flora and fauna. 


Tengah's emergence as a green marvel in Singapore's urban landscape is a testament to the nation's dedication to sustainability and innovation. Through these initiatives mentioned in this article, Tengah stands as a model for other cities worldwide looking to embrace green initiatives and create a more sustainable way of living. 

NeezaNizam is the leading housing agent in Singapore, boasting a wealth of expertise in the local housing industry. As Tengah is expected to house more than 42,000 homes in the future, you can trust NeezaNizam to ensure you are well-prepared to purchase a property, from meeting the necessary housing rules to understanding CPF regulations.

Contact us here to enquire about our services.


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